Al Masaood partners with Kanari to power Automotive Customer Experience Transformation

Al Masaood partners with Kanari to power Automotive Customer Experience Transformation

With Kanari’s experience management platform, Al Masaood Automobiles taps into real-time customer insights to drive improvements in service quality and customer experience.

Abu Dhabi – Al Masaood Automobiles, the authorized distributor of Nissan, INFINITI and Renault in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and the Western region, has partnered with Kanari, a Dubai-based experience management technology company to leverage the power of real-time customer feedback in driving improvements in customer experience.

Kanari’s experience measurement solution allows Al Masaood Automobiles to engage with a significantly higher number of customers than was previously possible and gives teams across the entire organization the ability to recover dissatisfied customers in real-time thereby reducing the business impacts of negative customer experiences.

Furthermore, the insights uncovered by Kanari give the team a better understanding of both the customer and the market, which in turn significantly helps with defining training programs and internal improvement plans to ensure customer needs are always being addressed.

Stephan Davies, General Manager – Customer Experience & Network Development, Al Masaood Automobiles, said: “At Al Masaood Automobiles we have all-encompassing ‘Customer First’ approach, therefore we ensure that the whole organization has visibility on what our customers think, feel and, say. Through our collaboration with Kanari we have digitized and automated our systems to receive real-time insights from our customers. Thanks to their innovative platform, we are communicating with a very wide customer base easily and listening to their feedback to better understand their needs and taking action to improve their customer journey. Moreover, our cooperation has allowed us to tailor-make our customer experience systems and dashboards to holistically measure customer experiences across various touchpoints. We welcome this partnership and look forward to working closely with the Kanari team to further enhance the automotive customer experience at Al Masaood.”

“We are very delighted to see Al Masaood Automobiles leveraging Kanari’s technology to listen to customers in real time, adapt to customer expectations and drive improvements in the customer experience. And we look forward to supporting Al Masaood Automobiles in their CX transformation and in generating actionable insights and a positive ROI on experience.” said Subhi Farah, CEO of Kanari.

Kanari’s service offering falls in line with the Al Masaood Automobiles’ commitment towards adopting innovative and technology-driven solutions that can elevate the automotive customer experience to a whole new level.

To read more about Al Masaood’s customer experience transformation, read our success story here

About Kanari

Kanari is a customer experience insights & analytics technology company that helps brands grow their business by enabling them to measure, manage and improve the quality of their customer and employee experiences. Kanari’s powerful suite of data collection, reporting and analytics tools allow brands to measure customer and employee experiences in real-time across all touch-points and channels. Kanari is based in Dubai, UAE and supports customers in the Automotive, Retail, Healthcare, Financial Services and Hospitality sectors, among others.

About Al Masaood Automobiles

Al Masaood Automobiles – authorized distributor of Nissan, INFINITI and Renault in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western Region for over 36 years, brings to its customers a complete range of the most reliable 4×4, luxury, passenger and commercial vehicles, efficiently catering to a large and diverse number of individual, fleet and government users. Al Masaood Automobiles’ extensive network coverage includes 8 showrooms for new cars, and 3 showrooms for used cars in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western Region – including the flagship showroom complex at Musaffah with dedicated new vehicle delivery centre; 6 Service Centres and 7 Spare Parts outlets.

This post was initially published on the Al Masaood Automobiles website.

Complete Guide to Implementing a Voice of the Customer Program

Complete Guide to Implementing a Voice of the Customer Program

At the heart of every successful CX program lies the VoC program, and when they combine, the sky’s the limit. But building a successful VoC can prove to be a challenging task. By following a few proven best practices, you can leverage the power of VoC to enhance your overall customer experience.

Modern consumers are redefining the landscape of how organizations conduct their business operations. Consumers not only want an amazing product or service at a competitive price, but they also demand an amazing customer experience. To keep up with customer expectations, brands continue to recognize the need to invest and improve their Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs to work hand in hand with their enhanced Customer Experience (CX) programs.

One of the most influential aspects of creating an enhanced customer experience is to understand the voice of the customer. Voice of the Customer (VoC) is a set of organizational activities designed to capture, track, analyze, measure, and manage customer feedback and sentiment in relation to your organizational brand, products, and services. By leveraging the power of VoC programs, your organization can stand out against competitors while having a good understanding of your customers’ expectations.

We have created this comprehensive guide to give you a background and explain how a VOC program works to improve your CX. By following these helpful tips and strategies to implement or grow your VOC, you’ll be well on your way to providing your consumers with what they want and need.

Understanding Customer Experience

Now more than ever, organizations understand the necessity of creating an enhanced customer experience. Not only will an enhanced CX drive profitability, but it also creates stronger brand loyalty and therefore a competitive advantage.

Customer experience includes every interaction your customer has with your brand and organization. Across every stage of their journey, these interactions will shape their overall perception of your company. When your company creates a positive customer experience, they will be more likely to use your products and services. Additionally, when a customer has a positive experience, they will be more likely to share their experience with their friends and family. Perhaps most importantly, delivering consistently positive experiences to your customers over time leads to improved brand loyalty and an edge over competition.

According to Forrester Research, “CX leaders grow revenue 5x as fast as laggards.” Whatsmore, the 2016 Aberdeen Group’s study on aligning business operations around the customer found that the top 20% of CX leaders consistently outperform their competitors in many other valuable metrics, to include:

  • Increased customer retention
  • Increased customer satisfaction rates
  • Increased average customer profit margins
  • And more

At the foundation of an exceptional CX lies a Voice of the Customer program. Essentially, you can’t have one without the other.

VoC at the Foundation of CX Programs

Voice of the Customer (VoC) describes your customer’s expectations for your products or services, as well as feedback about their experiences with your business. Having gained traction over the past few years, VoC works with tangible data to influence future engagements by capturing and acting on customer feedback. Furthermore, it focuses on consumer needs, expectations, and product improvement to help you enhance your overall customer experience.

VoC programs form one of the foundations for developing a solid, enhanced customer experience. The VoC provides early warnings and direction for organizational success directly from the people who really matter – your customers.

Implementing and developing a successful VoC program can prove to be both a challenging and rewarding experience for your company. From establishing a dedicated CX team and launching a pilot program to securing executive support, aligning business support, and converting data into actionable insights, by following a few proven best practices, you too can leverage the power of VoC to enhance your overall customer experience.

Establish a Dedicated CX Team

The most successful customer experience and voice of the customer programs have a dedicated full-time staff with a clear program manager. Before you launch your VoC program, it’s important to establish a dedicated team to spearhead data collection, analysis, and strategy implementation.

Your CX team should include (at minimum):

  • CX Director/Senior Management – responsible for leading and overseeing all activities, to include coordinating with internal teams to create CX strategies (such as specific responsibilities of each team, program objectives, milestones, and deliverables, etc.).
  • Customer Program Manager – responsible for interfacing with CX teams to develop trusting relationships with customers to meet project requirements and navigate bottlenecks for successfully implementing CX strategies.
  • Data Analyst – responsible for analyzing and disseminating data for tangible results.
  • Customer Experience Specialist – a team of employees dedicated to implementing strategies and bundling relationships for an enhanced CX.

Start a VoC Pilot Program

During the early stages of launching a Voice of the Customer program, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all of the moving pieces. Keep it safe and simple by starting with a pilot program focused on an important department within your business. Diving in head first can prove both costly and risky.

In starting with a small niche within your business, you can collect and analyze your data to see what systems you have in place that are working (or not working).

Analyzing VoC data will help your company understand:

  • what questions and metrics you need to track to create an enhanced customer experience.
  • how engaged your customers are.
  • what technologies need to be developed.
  • what processes and services are working for your customers.
  • what your customers enjoy and dislike about your products and services.

As you develop your pilot program, be sure to clearly state the vision for VoC needs so everyone within the organization can understand the common goal. Start by concentrating on the voice and messaging you’ll use to convey your vision. Be sure your vision statement is simple and straightforward to ensure everyone understands the purpose of your program.

Secure Executive Support

Regardless of their intent, organizational programs require alignment across the entire company marching towards the same vision. Establishing a customer-centric culture starts at the very top. To successfully implement your VoC, you’ll need support from upper management and executives. Without executive-level support, there is a low probability of creating a maximum impact on any customer-centric initiative.

When a CEO takes an active role in gathering relevant data to create actionable insights, their proactive involvement not only leads by example, but also provides a comprehensive perspective for the organization to follow. A recent Economist Intelligence Unit study, released by Genesys, found that active involvement from the CEO in an organizational CX plan resulted in a direct increase in both profitability and consumer loyalty. Leaders set the tone for their teams, so if a leader decides that the customer is important, it sends a very clear message.

Once your program has the backing of senior leaders, the rest of your organization will understand the importance of the program. Subsequently, each workgroup will define and understand which actions are required to bring the program to life.

Align with Business Strategies, Goals, and Objectives

Approximately 60% of VoC practitioners identified a clear ROI from VoC efforts as a significant obstacle to improving the CX efforts. However, data suggests that when you align your CX metrics with business strategies, goals, and objectives you can experience a significant ROI.

Consider the following:

  •  A recent Aberdeen Group study found that best-in-class VoC programs generate a 10x increase in revenue year on year compared to other programs.
  • 73% of consumers say a good experience is key in influencing their brand loyalties.
  • Enhanced CX creates loyal customers, and loyal customers are five times more likely to purchase again and four times more likely to refer a friend to their favored brands.
  • Businesses with a customer experience mindset experience revenue increases between 4-8% compared to the rest of their industries.
  • Companies that focus on CX outperform laggards by nearly 80%.
  • 84% of businesses who work towards creating an enhanced CX report an increase in their revenue.
  • 73% of companies with above-average customer experience perform better financially than their competitors.
  • Companies that earn $1 billion a year will see an average gain of $700 million within three years of investing in customer experience.

Convert Data into Actionable Insights

90% of global executives who use data analytics reported an improved ability to deliver a great customer experience. However, it’s not simply enough to collect data. You need to analyze this data and use it to create actionable insights. This can prove to be easier said than done, as 45% of businesses surveyed listed quantifying data into action as the number one roadblock to successfully implementing a VoC program.

By leveraging the latest innovative technologies, you can transform data into actionable solutions that improve your VoC and CX. In fact , the more data your organization can collect and analyze, the better insights you will gain into your CX. More data equates to enhanced segmentation capabilities, which leads to additional insights and discoveries.

Consider the collecting and integrating your VoC data with other organizational metrics, to gain a “bird’s eye view” of your entire organization:

  • VoC Data
    • Survey results
    • Sentiment analysis
    • CX metrics
  • Financial Data
    • Revenue analysis
    • Profitability analysis
    • Lifetime value
  • CRM Data
    • Purchasing behavior
    • Demographics
    • History
  • Operational Metrics
    • Footfall
    • Conversations
      • Response to complaints

Connect Feedback Across Data Channels

Organizations often rely on one or two channels to collect, analyze, and optimize their interactions with customers. However, relying on one or two data channels limits the accuracy and depth of consumer insights. When an organization only accesses a few touchpoints of customer experience they gain an incomplete picture of customer preference, behavior, and satisfaction based on their limited data. Essentially, the more data you collect, the more powerful your CX will be.

By leveraging omni-channel feedback technology, an organization can engage with its consumers across multiple data channels. Omni-channel tools also provide an organization with the ability to link customer, market, and employee data together. Essentially, you want your brand to collect customer feedback everywhere your consumers are, so you can build a seamless, enhanced customer experience.

Extend it to also cover Voice of the Employee (VoE)

The most successful listening programs do not only collect feedback from their consumers, but they also collect feedback from their employees. By combining customer experience and employee experiences across multiple data channels, you will gain a full picture of your customer experience from both sides of the fence. This full picture will allow you to determine not only what is happening with your VoC and CX, but also why it is happening.

Understanding this connection will help your company understand the impact of employee engagement on both VoC programs and overall CX.

Employees’ feedback provides insight into three essential areas when it comes to CX, to include:

  • Context for customer experiences
  • Identification of the processes, policies, and technologies hurdles that enhance and hinder the experience
  • Insight into the quality of employees’ experiences

Focus on the Customer

The customer should be top priority for everything you do within your organization. The last thing you want to do is assume you know what your customer wants. In order to stay ahead of the competition and meet your consumers demands, you have to listen to what your customers are saying to your company, brand, goods, and services.

The first step in creating an enhanced CX is to establish a solid VoC. Your VoC program will help you to truly understand what your customer wants is to seek their feedback and leverage the data to create solutions for your CX program.

At Kanari, we are all about powering your voice of the customer program and helping you improve customer experience. Our innovative customer experience management solutions provide a reliable, flexible, and scalable platform to help your company create better customer relationships. Contact a member of our team to schedule your customer experience management consultation.

CEO Involvement Positively Impacts Customer Experience

CEO Involvement Positively Impacts Customer Experience

As enhanced customer experience continues to shape the landscape of a successful marketplace, executves are leading the charge

Now more than ever, executives understand the importance of enhanced customer experience (CX). Not only will an enhanced customer experience drive profitability, but it will also create stronger brand loyalty and competitive advantage. The most successful CX programs are championed by their CEO.

What is Customer Experience?

Customer experience (CX) includes every interaction your customer has with your brand and organization. Across every stage of their journey, these interactions will shape their overall perception of your company.

When your company creates a positive customer experience, they will be more likely to use your products and services. Additionally, when a customer has a positive experience, they will be more likely to share their experience with their friends and family. Perhaps most importantly, a positive customer experience leads to enhanced brand loyalty.

The Role of the CEO to Drive CX

Ownership of the customer experience process is central to successfully creating and delivering enhanced customer experience focused on providing the customer what they want and need. Any organization can claim to be focused on providing an enhanced customer experience. However, the most successful CX programs are championed by their CEO.

When a CEO takes an active role in gathering relevant customer feedback data to create actionable insights, their proactive involvement not only leads by example, but also provides a comprehensive perspective for the organization to follow. A recent Economist Intelligence Unit study, released by Genesys, found that active involvement from the CEO in an organizational CX plan resulted in a direct increase in both profitability and consumer loyalty.

The study, which included more than 500 companies across Australia, distributed across industry verticals, confirmed a direct correlation in profitability when customer experience initiatives were led by CEOs. In fact, 58% of businesses surveyed confirmed a direct correlation between higher profits compared to their competitors and CEO involvement.

How to Implement an Exceptional Customer Experience

CEOs are in a unique position not only to identify the external and internal interactions that influence CX, but they also are in the position to keep specific elements of the initiative coherent within the whole. As an organizational leader, the involvement of the CEO sends an unambiguous message to employees, customers, and all other significant stakeholders. While a CEO is the most singular authority within a company, their involvement in the CX process doesn’t have to be overly intrusive. However, to experience the most successful results, the chief executive must play an active role in championing, planning and monitoring the customer experience implementation.

The foundation of enhanced customer experience is laid upon commitment, accountability, and streamlined communications. A recent Deloitte study explained how the evolving expectations of modern consumers are motivated by their desire to experience an enhanced CX. In order for an organization to find its niche within the new landscape of customer service, a company needs to view the customer journey from the perspective of the consumer. Only when they experience this point of view can they create the optimal customer service required for an organization to hone a competitive edge.

Whether you are at the start of your organizational CX journey or looking to breathe new life into an existing program, consider the following:

  • Embrace change – Transforming an organization requires both macro and micro management. Companies with the best CX initiatives embrace change and innovation across many platforms, to include employee training and development, operational processes, and new technologies. However, for these elements to successfully impact CX, they must align with organizational goals.
  • Commit to the cause – When it comes to the success of an organization, the energetic involvement of CEOs and management teams is non-negotiable. A customer experience focused initiative requires a visible and tangible commitment starting at the top of the leadership chain with the CEO. Furthermore, CX needs to remain a top strategic priority for all allocated organizational resources, budgets, comprehensive strategies, as well as a top priority for all stakeholders. This starts by creating a concise yet powerful mission statement for individual employees and departments to rally around.
  • Formalize and streamline internal communication – Cohesive actions are critical for the delivery of an enhanced customer experience. A single negative experience can undermine your customer relationship and providing excellent customer service requires coordination between all organizational departments. To create a successful CX, all channels of communication and reporting must be formalized and streamlined. This will allow the entire organization to work towards the same goal.
  • Involvement, funding and accountability – From marketing and operations to human resources and finance, organizational departments must have clear goals and metrics. Additionally, they must allocate sufficient resources to operate successfully develop and implement a CX program. A comprehensive CX strategy allows leadership to measure and account for performance and goals while simultaneously enforcing accountability.
  • Timelines, reporting and metrics – Transformation is a complex process, widespread understanding of individual and organizational goals is essential for it to succeed. Clearly defined timelines and metrics need to be shared with leadership, stakeholders, and employees. Additionally, measurement processes should be clearly defined and laid out in advance.

Take Your Organization to the Next Level with CX

Orienting your organization towards delivering exceptional customer experience is a sure-fire way to enhance your business model and performance. With proper planning and a CEO to champion CX initiatives, the promise of enhanced profitability and competitiveness can come to fruition. However, it requires commitment, attention to detail, and inspirational leadership.

Whether it’s a wholesale transformation or a series of tweaks, every CX initiative can run into roadblocks along the way. Without support from leadership, these roadblocks can throw a CX program off track. However, one factor can help a CX initiative withstand even multiple setbacks along the way: a deeply involved CEO.

At Kanari, we are all about your customer and their experience. Our innovative customer experience management solutions provide a reliable, flexible, and scalable platform to help your company create better customer relationships. If you are a CEO looking to develop or improve your customer experience program, contact a member of our team to schedule your consultation.

Building a world class Voice of Customer (VOC) Program

Building a world class Voice of Customer (VOC) Program

We live in a customer-centric world, where buyers are inundated with choices. Being customer focused is no longer merely a smart strategy; it is a realistic acknowledgement of the nature of the market itself. Therefore, having a Voice of Customer program, analyzing customer feedback and being responsive to it are key operational advantages for any business to secure.

A meticulously planned and well executed Voice of Customer (VOC) program can help focus the strategy and internal processes of an organization. The Temkin Group’s “State of Voice of Customer Programs 2017” report provides some interesting insights (1), which confirm the overall efficacy of this strategy. The study found that an overwhelming 74% of participating businesses considered their VoC programs somewhat to very successful. However, the same study also found that businesses were better at obtaining customer feedback (60%) than making changes based on the insights gained (24%).

Many organizations have achieved significant gains from their VoC programs

Companies with the most effective VoC programs report gains in market share, profits and customer retention. Below are a few examples of how companies across a diverse array of industries succeeded by acting on the insights they generated.

  • By listening to customer requests to make their breakfast menu available all day, McDonald’s USA delivered an increase in sales of 5.7% in the final quarter of 2016. This was up from analyst’s predictions of 2.7% before the announcement (2).
  • According to a Forrester Research report, American direct broadcast satellite service provider DirecTV saved $34 million annually. This was achieved as a result of reorganizing their field services based on responses gathered through their VoC program (3).
  • The Aberdeen Group reports 55% higher customer retention rates, an average 23% decrease in customer service costs and 292% greater employee engagement rates, among best-in-class VoC users (4).

Going about building a successful voice of customer program

A VoC program needs to be embraced as a continuous project, which reflects and influences, the culture of the business. For that reason, it needs to be conceived with clarity of purpose and with buy-in from all key stakeholders. Here are a few tips on how you can get started with building a successful Voice of Customer program:

  • A VoC program should proceed from clearly defined objectives. Typical desired outcomes can range from customer retention and loyalty, to more focused services. Each goal needs to be mapped onto specific actionable tasks – to which feedback can be linked effectively.
  • A VoC program should reflect the culture and brand identity of the business. Both, the outward facing engagement of the program with customers, as well as the way in which it is integrated with internal processes.
  • Integration is a key concept in building a world class VoC program. Businesses with mature VoC programs tend to develop a co-operation across departments and an integration of the program across systems and processes. Most importantly, this should also take into account the integration of VOC data with CRM and operational data.
  • Empathy is an under appreciated aspect of successful VoC programs. Enterprises need to set aside mechanistic reliance on index scores alone. The business should strive to incorporate the mindset of its customers and genuinely attempt to put itself in their shoes.


Truly effective and world class VoC programs aim to optimize businesses, enhance customer engagement and drive change. Furthermore, the best Voice of Customer programs redefine policy, processes and strategy across all aspects of the business. These programs go beyond addressing individual concerns and drive improvements that the entire customer base can embrace. Ultimately, creating a successful VoC program requires constant customer engagement and the ability to contextualize this data based on the customer’s perspective. But most importantly, VoC programs need the commitment and participation of the entire organization.

At Kanari, we are all about powering voice of customer programs . Our innovative customer experience management solutions provide a reliable, flexible, and scalable platform to help your company create better customer relationships. Contact a member of our team to schedule your customer experience management consultation.


Hospitality Word of Mouth: How Social Media Has Revolutionized It

Hospitality Word of Mouth: How Social Media Has Revolutionized It

The owners and managers of hospitality businesses should be familiar with the three types of media present in advertising: owned, paid, and earned. Owned media includes forums owned and controlled by your company such as your website or blog. Paid media involves any paid advertising such as radio, television, or banner ads. The third type of media, earned media, is the most important and by far the most valuable to any business. Earned media is so named because this is the advertising your company earns by pleasing (or displeasing) clients. Earned media is advertising spread by word of mouth physically or electronically between your customers and their business associates, families, and friends.

Hospitality Word of Mouth

Vital to the success of your company, earned media is the most widely trusted source of advertising by consumers. In fact, 70% of consumers say they trust hospitality word of mouth recommendations from friends, while only 10% trust paid forms of advertising. No matter how honest, poignant, and clearly communicated your paid advertisement is, potential customers will still listen to the recommendations of their friends and families first. Consider your own judgments of advertising. If your father reported having a negative dining experience at a restaurant to you, would you still believe that same restaurant’s advertisements claiming its merits?

Infinite Reach

The internet and the subsequent innovation known as social media have revolutionized earned media and the nature of word of mouth marketing. Consumers used to be limited to communicating with only the people they knew personally, constraining the power of word of mouth marketing. Today however, every consumer has the potential to reach nearly every other consumer in the world by reviewing his or her experience with your company, making the potential of word of mouth marketing almost infinite. Consumers can communicate with the entire online community through social media, and unlike the spoken word which whispers, fades, and is eventually forgotten, the written word lasts forever. Due to its newfound power, word of mouth marketing has proven itself to be quite useful for hospitality businesses who choose to harness its potential.

While all business owners strive to run their companies smoothly in order to receive only the best reviews from customers, the occasional mistake or oversight can and will happen. Whether your client enjoys his or her stay or has a regrettable experience, you can be sure he or she will turn to social media to review your company. With the ability to spread either negative or positive messages about your company, it is imperative that businesses engage and interact with customers on social media platforms such as FacebookTwitterTripAdvisor, or Yelp.


With an active presence on social media platforms, your business can manage and transform negative reviews into positive examples of your company’s above-standard customer service by reaching out to individuals with an apology and an offer of assistance. Your business will also capitalize on positive reviews by thanking customers, and asking them to share more about their experiences. By participating in social media, your business will take control of the conversation, and increase the amount of earned media advertising your brand.