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Turning CX
into excellence

Kanari’s powerful customer experience insights and analytics platform helps organizations leap forward: from measuring and monitoring to improvement and impact.

Al Masaood Auto
Lifting an Auto Dealer's NPS above 65

Read our Al Masaood Automobiles case study

Taiba Hospital
Saving a Patient Experience team 1000+ man hours

Read our Taiba Hospital case study

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Top-tier brands rely on Kanari to enhance their customer experience.

Truly effective customer experience management is a challenge. Kanari is here to change that

We help leading organizations leap forward. To truly leverage the power and potential of their CX insights and analytics.

For them, we make both what comes in – measuring and monitoring – and what comes out – improvement and impact – better and clearer, simpler and stronger.

We deliver in 3 simple ways


We make it simple to collect valuable customer insight

Our feedback-gathering technology acts as automated listening, efficiently collecting vital information about your customers (while your teams focus on day-to-day operations).
Advanced Analytics

Our platform uses advanced analytics and AI to uncover the gold

To stop you drowning in data, Kanari’s platform automatically analyses every response, highlighting important customer insights and we present these to you using clear, compelling dashboards.
Meaningful Change

We turn this insight into real-world action

Collecting feedback risks being a dead end unless you take action. This principle drives Kanari – and it’s why we make it easy to immediately turn insight into meaningful change, with alerts, case management and action tracking capabilities.

The end result?

Powerful competitive advantage.

Because while your competitors are struggling to understand what their customers think, you will know. While they waste time manually processing and analyzing data, you will understand it quickly and automatically.

And while they’re wondering why their customers are churning, you will have already taken action to keep customers happy.

Discover the Kanari platform

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Always be listening in real-time and at scale

Easily build and deploy branded, multilingual surveys – then integrate them into any stage of the customer journey, and across all your key channels and touchpoints.
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Uncover the hidden gems in your data

Enable your teams to dive deeper, uncovering valuable insights and the key drivers of satisfaction. Our best-in-class text analytics engine automatically analyzes comments, categorizes them and identifies sentiment and themes.
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Create accountability through shared insights

Give all those that matter access to your CX insights through powerful mobile-optimized dashboards and reports. Ensure front-lines and middle management are informed and in the loop through real-time alerts and notifications.
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Focus on closing the loop to drive action

Our case management module enables you to close both Inner and Outer Loops, ensuring your CX program turns feedback into action – successfully driving change and reaping benefits.
Stephen Davies
AlMasaood Automobiles Logo
Kanari has digitized and automated our systems to receive real-time insights from our customers. Thanks to their innovative platform, we are communicating with a very wide customer base easily and listening to their feedback to better understand their needs and taking action to improve their customer journey.
Stephen Davies
Head of CX, Al Masaood Auto
Dr. Aysha John
Taiba Hospital Logo
Kanari has helped all departments across the hospital focus on improving patient satisfaction, and this data has been useful for ensuring we have valid data for data analysis, which in-turn is a prerequisite for Joint Commission Standards.
Dr. Aysha John
Head of Quality, Taiba Hospital
Pascale Wakil
Bank Audi Logo
Kanari’s platform introduced a whole new angle to view and assess our customer experience. It was a critical tool for us to point out areas of improvement and easily access qualitative and quantitative insights which helped us make key improvements in our our day to day work, processes and planning. Ultimately, Kanari helped us boost response rates and increase our NPS and OSAT scores.
Pascale Wakil
Quality Control, Bank Audi
Haamed Alfulaij
Nagwa Logo
Brilliant and dedicated team that is always open to suggestions and improvements. They live what they preach - they are a customer listening solution provider that also listens to its own clients.
Haamed Alfulaij
CEO, Nagwa
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Two people hand-shacking each other

Let’s Partner to Build a World-Class CX Program

  • A partner with a focus on delivering actionable insights.
  • A robust and flexible technology platform that scales with you.
  • Services to support you in your CX journey.